Sponsor students to unlock the Power of AI for your brand: Join the Brand Ambassador Revolution

Invest in the future of AI empowerment as a visionary with the Detroit Chat GPT Revolution. Empowering the next generation of innovators and leaders.

CCC Because We Care Foundation: Our mission

Celebrating 15 years in the community, CCC Because We Care Foundation has been at the forefront of empowering individuals and fostering a supportive community through acts of kindness, wealth creation, healthy living, fitness, financial education, travel experiences, and AI educational programs.

Empower. Innovate. Create. Prosper

We envision a community where every individual is empowered to create wealth, share kindness, and expand their horizons through transformative travel and cutting-edge AI marketing education. We are dedicated to making a positive impact through:

  • Acts of Kindness and Wealth Creation

    • Hands-on, virtual 16 week trainings, workshops, and initiatives that spread goodwill and provide economic advancement opportunities for brands.

  • Virtual Travel Experiences

    • Personal growth and cultural enrichment through travel for individuals, families, and groups.

  • AI Marketing Education

    • Spearheaded by President of CCC Because We Care Foundation, Adriane Mayes, our AI GENEIUS, who leads workshops to equip individuals with advanced AI marketing skills.

Don't have time for branding? Donate to CCC Because We Care Foundation

Let the AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program Promote Your Vision!

Program Details

Businesses need cost-effective methods to enhance their brand visibility and influence in the competitive digital marketplace.

CCC Because We Care Foundation offers a unique solution through the AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience.

For $6,927 per participant for a 16-week program, your business can sponsor an ambassador who will promote your brand while developing their entrepreneurial skills.

This program not only helps your brand gain significant online presence but also aligns with the fostering of future business leaders, ultimately amplifying your brand’s impact and network within the industry.

Program Features:

Live Training Access: Participants have live access to industry experts like Adriane Mayes, ensuring real-time learning and interaction.

Flexible Learning Platform: The program is conducted live on Zoom from the CCC Because We Care Foundation Headquarters, with recordings available post-session for flexible learning.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Includes the 'Think Different Daily: Acts of Kindness Workbook' for personal development and ethical business conduct, enhancing participants' leadership and community


Business Skill Development: Participants receive practical business tips and stories from successful entrepreneurs, teaching them to navigate challenges and


Technology Empowerment: An annual membership to Go High Level, an all-in-one marketing platform, is one of many tools provided that equips participants with tools to elevate their entrepreneurial journey effectively.

Overall Benefits to Your Business

Many businesses struggle to enhance their brand visibility and impact in a cost-effective and meaningful way, especially in a digital economy where standing out is more challenging than ever.

CCC Because We Care Foundation AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience provides a unique opportunity Businesses can benefit from brand ambassadors who champion their brand while gaining cutting-edge business and technological education.

This approach positions your brand at the forefront of technological education and cultivates a long-term relationship with future industry leaders, ensuring ongoing benefits from yourImage initial investment.

Benefits for Your Brand:

Comprehensive Training and Tools

Brand Enhancement

Community Impact

Network Expansion

Sponsorship Value

Companies today face challenges in enhancing their brand's social responsibility and visibility in a competitive market, while also contributing positively to community development.

By sponsoring the AI Brand Ambassador Work and Learning Experience Program, companies can align themselves with a cutting-edge educational initiative that fosters tech skills in entrepreneurs and promotes social good.

By investing in this sponsorship, businesses not only gain substantial marketing and community engagement benefits but also play a crucial role in shaping the future of young entrepreneurs through education and technology.

The sponsorship provides:

Brand Enhancement: Aligning with an innovative program increases your brand's appeal and positions it as a leader in social


Community Impact: Your support contributes directly to education and community development, building goodwill and stronger community


Network Expansion: Engaging with budding entrepreneurs through the program offers networking opportunities that can lead to partnerships and new business avenues.

Students will learn how to build an online business and to be accountable with ingenuity and integrity.

Become a Motor City Visionary Sponsor

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program

Donation Amount: $1,000,000 = 150 AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program Students

Monthly: Each Motor City Visionary Sponsor will Receive an Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Business Growth:

Comprehensive Monthly Social Media Report for their Brand

AI Education Accountability

150 Students Promoting Your Brand Vision

Imagine 150 students Owning It. Designing Their Reality promoting their brand; while at the same time advertising your company brand and vision. Monitor what people are saying about your business with this program. 72% of U.S. consumers said they research companies through social channels before making purchases

AI Brand Ingenuity

Entrepreneur Journey with Your Brand

Where do you show up? 95.91% of all clicks occur on page 1 of Google, and the top three positions deliver 58.4% of traffic. Learn strategies in this class to create your brand and become the bespoke billionaire brand analyzing key metrics.

AI Brand Confidence

All in One AI Marketing and Virtual Reality

Extraordinary experiences come to life with lightning fast performance and dazzling details. Are you maximizing the value of your existing customer base? On average it cost 5 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to sell new services to an existing customer. Let AI and VR innovation buy your time back.

AI Brand Education

Supportive Community Innovation

Do you have a program to systematically gain quality referrals from current customers? Learn how to build with a community FACT: Referrals spend more, convert better and shop faster.

Every student receives instant lifetime access:

Because We Care

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Course Vol. 1

The goal is to mold brand ambassador students into bespoke billionaire brands by enhancing their own vision, understanding of AI tools, healthy living, and personal experiences. Utilizing problem-solving workshops and a stipend each week, the program will be engaging and fun, ensuring students are both learning and enjoying the process with community engagement and LIVE events post program. This course is an introduction to possibilities with AI, entrepreneur business planning and ingenuine brand growth for the greater good of the community. Each sponsor will receive increased brand awareness with a goal of driving sales and expanding the sponsors current online digital real estate reach.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course Volume 1

Week 1: Create Your Plan

""Figuring It Out Together"

L 1 - Choosing Your Path

Objective: Understand the concept of different industries and how they relate to everyday interests.

Activity: Create a poster of various industries using magazine cutouts and drawings, relating each to their favorite hobbies or interests.

L 2 - Learning Success

Objective: Learn the importance of role models and success stories in various fields.

Activity: Short storytelling session using simple biographies of successful people from different sectors suitable for their age, like inventors, athletes, and artists.

L 3 - Standing Out

Objective: Introduce the concept of personal branding and why it’s important to be unique.

Activity: "All About Me" presentation where each student shares something unique about themselves and what they are known for among their friends or family.

L 4 - Your Journey

Objective: Teach basic goal setting and the steps to achieve a goal.

Activity: Map out a simple "Road to Success" board game where each student lists small goals leading to a big dream.

L 5 - Organizing Space

Objective: Explain the benefits of being organized and how it helps achieve goals.

Activity: Create and decorate personal 'Work Zone' folders where they can store their projects and classwork.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course vol. 1

Week 2: Research Your Plan

"Discover Your World of Possibilities"

L 1 - Clever Creators

Objective: Reverse engineering your competition

Activity: Learn how to analyze what others are doing well, and creatively adapt it for our own success.

L 2 - Secret Seekers

Objective: Learn how to use ai and spy tools wisely

Activity: Explore how AI tools can help discover what people are interested in and how you can use that knowledge responsibly.

L 3 - Trend Trackers

Objective: Catching the wave early of trends using AI

Activity: Understand how to identify trends and make them work for you, enhancing your ability to succeed in ever-changing environments.

L 4 - Conversation Crafters

Objective: Turning talks into triumph

Activity: Learn the art of conversation where listening takes the lead, helping us build stronger connections and open more doors.

L 5 - Treasure Hunters

Objective: Unveiling hidden successes

dig into the secrets behind bestsellers and successful campaigns to carve our path to top achievements.

Activity: Create and decorate personal 'Work Zone' folders where they can store their projects and classwork.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course Volume 1

Week 3: Build Your Foundation

"Creating Credible Digital Real Estate"

L 1 - Introduction to Digital Real Estate

Planning with Purpose

Activity: Learn to plan your online storefront with the ingenuity of a young entrepreneur, ensuring every word reflects your values and showcases your integrity..

L 2 - Memorable Names

Objective: Securing Your Digital Identity


Dive into choosing a domain name that captures your unique spirit and commitment, teaching the importance of a memorable and accountable online presence.

L 3 - Profitable Platforms

Objective: Setting Up for Success

Activity: Set up your digital real estate with a focus on generating income while listening to and respecting various perspectives, emphasizing financial literacy in a modern age.

L 4 - Styling Success

Customizing Your Corner of the Web

Activity: Customize your digital real estate to reflect your personality and values, learning how visual integrity can attract followers and build trust..

L 5 - Social Savvy

Connecting with Communities

Activity: Create a social media plan that uses less talking and more listening, teaching the value of engaging sincerely with others to build lasting relationships.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course vol. 1

Week 4: Write Your Plan

"Mastering Content Creation"

L 1 - Database Builders

Objective: Securing your legacy. Your online business future.

Activity: Discover how to build an article database, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and responsibility, and learn how this database can become a source of stable income.

L 2 - Words that Work

Objective: Creating content that is trending and relevant.

Activity: Explore how to write impactful articles using the power of words responsibly, highlighting the integrity in creating valuable content for readers.

L 3 - AI Assistants

Objective: Leveraging technology for creativity

Activity: Learn to use artificial intelligence tools to enhance your writing, focusing on how these tools can help maintain a high standard of quality while being innovative.

L 4 - Photo Savvy

Objective: Using Images Wisely

Activity: Understand the ethical considerations of using professional photos without ownership, stressing accountability in respecting others' creative works.

L 5 - Sharing Smart: Amplify Your Voice

Amplifying your voice to those who want to listen.

Activity: Set up digital real estate share links effectively to maximize your article's reach and influence, teaching the importance of communication and connection in digital spaces.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course Volume 1

Week 5: Promoting Your Vision

"Creating Credible Digital Real Estate"

L 1 - Question Masters

Objective: Engaging through Inquiry

Learn the art of asking compelling questions to engage and assist others, demonstrating Accountability in providing valuable answers that reflect family values and personal integrity.


L 2 - Mention Mechanics

Objective: Amplifying Conversations


Explore how to effectively use mentions to engage in meaningful conversations, promoting a culture of listening and respecting diverse perspectives while actively participating in discussions.

L 3 - Hashtag Heroes

Objective: Crafting Connections


Discover how to use hashtags creatively to enhance visibility and connect with like-minded individuals, emphasizing Ingenuity in building community ties and extending your digital reach.

L 4 - Pin Pioneers

Sharing Knowledge


Understand the power of pins in social media to share articles and content that resonate with your audience, encouraging Integrity in the dissemination of information.

L 5 - Notification Navigators

Alerting with Purpose


Master the use of notifications to keep your audience informed and engaged, focusing on responsible communication that respects the recipient’s time and attention.

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator

Work and Learning Experience Program Course vol. 1

Week 6: Harnessing Automation for a Better Life

"Streamlining Your Success"

L 1 - Understanding Automation Basics

Objective: Create an assembly like system to buy your time back


Learn what automation is and how it can be used responsibly to save time and increase efficiency, emphasizing the Integrity of using tools wisely.

L 2 - Tools for Automation

Objective: Exploring AI Software

Activity: Explore various AI marketing tools that help automate tasks, focusing on how these tools align with ethical practices and promote accountability.

L 3 - Setting Up Your System

Automation that fits your works with your system

Activity: Practical steps to set up automation that works for you, teaching Ingenuity in customizing tools to fit personal and professional needs..

L 4 - Automating Content Creation

Objective: Use AI Tools to show your offers often, automatically.

Activity: How to automate content creation to maintain a consistent presence online while balancing life's other responsibilities.

L 5 - Monitoring and Adjusting

Set up your marketing schedule.

Learn to regularly review and adjust your automation strategies to ensure they reflect your values and vision, reinforcing the importance of Accountability and Integrity in using powerful tools.

What's included

Everything's taken care of.

Step into fully equipped rooms featuring high-quality furnishings and advanced videoconferencing equipment, allowing you to seamlessly conduct productive sessions. Our professional receptionists will warmly welcome your guests, and our dedicated support team will ensure that your room is prepared and everything runs smoothly for a hassle-free experience.

CCC Because We Care Foundation: About Us

AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program is not just educational; it's a transformative experience that challenges students to think differently and act decisively.

Join CCC Because We Care Foundation and become a part of the Motor City visionary wave. This course is for anyone ready to make a significant impact, offering no guarantees but a promise of 100 percent effort and activity towards branding and growth online. Become a pioneer, re-engineer your future, and donate now to start your journey towards crafting your bespoke billionaire vision.

What's included for total student cost: $7,427

Everything's taken care of.

The digital economy demands that new entrepreneurs not only understand current technologies but also leverage them effectively to thrive. However, many aspiring business leaders lack the resources and guidance needed to navigate this complex landscape.

By sponsoring a student in the AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program, donors provide vital support to these emerging entrepreneurs. This sponsorship equips them with essential tools and knowledge crucial for success in today’s technologically driven market.

The program offers comprehensive training in AI and digital marketing, creating skilled brand ambassadors who can adeptly promote both their ventures and the sponsoring entity.

This creates a symbiotic relationship where businesses gain valuable exposure while fostering community development and technological education. Ultimately, sponsorship extends beyond mere financial assistance—it's an investment in building a future where technology and entrepreneurship intersect to generate innovative solutions and community growth.

What each participant receives: Action with purpose and understatement creating a more just environment.

Go High Level Annual Subscription: $970 value

Benefit: Provides a comprehensive CRM and marketing platform that supports communication, lead management, and marketing automation.

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Affiliate with Go High Level: 40% commission

Benefit: Generates revenue for affiliates, offering a substantial return on the promotional efforts for their social media branding  platform.

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Billy Gene 10 Day AI Business Program Subscription: $200 value

Benefit: Educates participants on practical AI marketing strategies, enhancing their capability to leverage AI for business growth.

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Drone: $800 value

Benefit: Introduces participants to the latest in drone technology, useful for various innovative applications in business and marketing.

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Laptop: $300 value

Benefit: Essential for accessing program materials and participating in virtual sessions, ensuring all participants are equipped for success.

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Meal Voucher for Participants: $200 value

Benefit: Supports participants' nutrition, allowing them to maintain focus and energy throughout the program.

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Fitness Pack Gift Certificates: $500 value

Benefit: Purchase of fitness shopping list. Promotes health and wellness, crucial for sustaining the energy required to undertake entrepreneurial activities.

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Logitech Brio 4K HD Webcam and Tripod Setup: $175 value

Benefit: Enhances participants' ability to produce high-quality video content for marketing and communication.

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Rode Smartlav+ Mic: $60 value

Benefit: Improves audio quality for participants' digital content, essential for effective online communication.

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Meta Quest 3 VR/Mixed Reality Headset: $500 value

Benefit: Offers cutting-edge virtual reality experiences, useful for training and development in a highly engaging format.

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Rayban Meta Wayfarer Smart Glasses: $300 value

Benefit: Incorporates augmented reality for practical learning and application in real-world scenarios.

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Lumen Membership for Metabolic Insights: $700 annual membership for 2

Benefit: Provides health and fitness monitoring, encouraging a holistic approach to personal and professional life management.

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AI Tools and Advertising Budget Stipend: $2000 total ($125 per week)

Benefit: Supplies necessary tools and advertising support to ensure the effective application of learned skills in real-world settings

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Moody Foody by Chef Rudy Entrepreneur and Chef LIVE Tips: $500 value

$500 Credit Moody Foody by Chef Rudy

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Admin LIVE Budget Admin Misc Costs: $227 value

Benefit: Covers administrative and miscellaneous costs, acts of kindness activity, ensuring smooth operation and support throughout the program.

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Menu of Services

Students learn how to create a comprehensive menu of services for their online brand business and name their value price.

Competitive Analysis

Participants will learn how to analyze market competitors to better position their services, understanding unique selling points and areas for improvement.

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Creating and Rewriting Ads

Training on crafting compelling advertisements that capture attention and convert leads. Participants will focus on refining messaging to align with brand voice and customer needs.

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Get Reviews

Techniques for effectively soliciting and managing online reviews, which are crucial for building brand credibility and trust.

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Follow Up Techniques

Strategies for maintaining customer relationships through effective follow-up communications. This ensures ongoing engagement and increases the likelihood of repeat business.

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Premium Customer Delivery

Insights on delivering exceptional service that exceeds customer expectations, turning satisfied customers into brand advocates.

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Grant Writing Services

An introduction to the fundamentals of grant writing, enabling participants to secure funding for innovative projects and initiatives

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Automated Missed Call Text Back

Training on setting up automated systems to ensure no customer query goes unanswered, enhancing responsiveness and customer satisfaction

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Virtual Celebrations

Learn how to create virtual birthdays, family reunions, and events online to create events and drive more engagement to your brand.

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The services you need, when you need them.

Participants in the AI Brand Ambassador Accelerator Work and Learning Experience Program will learn how to effectively create and promote their own "Menu of Services" to enhance both their personal brands and the businesses they represent. Here's a breakdown of what they'll learn:

Questions You May Have

Is the cost of this program justified?

Absolutely, investing in brand and tech education yields high ROI.

What type of results can I expect partnering with CCC Because We Care Foundation?

Recognition and exposure. Featuring sponsor brand ambassadors on CCC Because We Care Foundation as we build our bespoke billionaire dream of living life more abundantly with acts of kindness, wealth creation, financial education, travel experiences and AI marketing education.

As we utilize paid advertising techniques, sponsor brand's official social media channels, website, or marketing materials can provide them with significant exposure and recognition, which is particularly appealing for those looking to build their brand or influence.

Professional development. Opportunities for professional growth, such as exclusive training sessions, workshops, and networking events will be scheduled fpr Motor City Visionaries.

Adriane Mayes, AI Geneius, President of CCC Because We Care Foundation and captain of The Detroit Chat GPT Revolution can only promise you two things - transparency and communication.

No results are guaranteed with this program. Having ongoing sessions until the end of 2024 will help students in their own personal development and equip them with better tools to represent their bespoke billionaire brand.

More revenue for your business - Ultimately, the best rewards are those that students that create a win-win situation, where brand ambassadors are genuinely motivated to support and promote the brand, resulting in increased visibility, engagement, and sales.

Moreover, tailoring the rewards to fit the interests and needs of the brand ambassadors along the way can significantly enhance the effectiveness of the student advertising for your brand in the ambassador program.

Will this program work for small businesses?

Yes, it's designed for any size, offering scalable benefits.

Can I choose my brand ambassadors?

We work together to select ambassadors perfectly aligned with your brand's values.

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How do brand ambassadors actually enhance my brand?

They authentically promote your brand, driving visibility and engagement.

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How is this different from traditional marketing?

It combines education with advocacy for unparalleled brand promotion.

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